Below you can find out when the inne MINILAB can be used safely for fertility monitoring, as well as which contraindications must be taken into account (when inne must not be used).
inne is suitable for you if the following criteria have applied to you for at least 3 months:
I am not pregnant
During pregnancy, you do not have a menstrual cycle. Therefore you should wait until the second consecutive period after the end of the pregnancy, even if the pregnancy was not carried to term before starting to use inne.
I am not breastfeeding
When breastfeeding, your hormone levels might fluctuate and your menstrual cycle is not regular. Therefore you should wait until the second consecutive period after you stopped breastfeeding before starting to use inne.
I am not on hormonal contraception
Hormonal contraception affects your natural hormone levels. You should have had two consecutive cycles after you stopped using hormonal contraception before you start using inne.
I am not on a treatment that affects my cycle
Medical treatments that can affect your cycle, should indicate so in the patient information leaflet of the respective medication. The inne MINILAB measures how your progesterone behaves during the menstrual cycle. If our menstrual cycle is affected due to another treatment we won’t be able to provide you with accurate evaluations.
I am not experiencing menopausal symptoms
Menopausal symptoms can be hot flashes and night sweats. During menopause, your hormone production decreases and can fluctuate. We hope we will be able to support women during menopause in the future.
My cycle is between 22 and 35 days long
For now, we can ensure the accuracy of the results for cycles between 22 to 35 days long. We are always working on making our system available for a wider variety of cycles.
I am older than 18 years old
The inne MINILAB is a certified medical device for fertility monitoring. It is intended for women above 18 years old.
Please note that inne must not be used if you need to avoid pregnancy at all costs.
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